PERMISSION_DENIED error when accessing MLflow experiment artifact
Problem You get a PERMISSION_DENIED error when trying to access an MLflow artifact using the MLflow client. RestException: PERMISSION_DENIED: User <user> does not have permission to 'View' experiment with id <experiment-id> or RestException: PERMISSION_DENIED: User <user> does not have permission to 'Edit' experiment with id <ex...
0 min reading timeHive UDFs
This article shows how to create a Hive UDF, register it in Spark, and use it in a Spark SQL query. Here is a Hive UDF that takes a long as an argument and returns its hexadecimal representation. %scala import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF import // This UDF takes a long integer and converts it to a hexadecimal...
0 min reading timeHow Delta cache behaves on an autoscaling cluster
This article is about how Delta cache (AWS | Azure | GCP) behaves on an auto-scaling cluster, which removes or adds nodes as needed. When a cluster downscales and terminates nodes: A Delta cache behaves in the same way as an RDD cache. Whenever a node goes down, all of the cached data in that particular node is lost. Delta cache data is not moved fr...
0 min reading timeLegacy global init script migration notebook
On Dec 1, 2023, Databricks will disable legacy global init scripts for all workspaces. This type of init script was deprecated in 2020 and will not be usable after Dec 1, 2023. The legacy global init script was replaced in 2020 by the more reliable current global init script framework, which continues to be supported. Databricks recommends that you ...
1 min reading timeOSError when accessing MLflow experiment artifacts
Problem You get an OSError: No such file or directory error message when trying to download or log artifacts using one of the following: MlflowClient.download_artifacts() mlflow.[flavor].log_model() mlflow.[flavor].load_model() mlflow.log_artifacts() OSError: No such file or directory: '/dbfs/databricks/mlflow-tracking/<experiment-id>/<run-...
0 min reading timeJob fails when using Spark-Avro to write decimal values to AWS Redshift
Problem In Databricks Runtime versions 5.x and above, when writing decimals to Amazon Redshift using Spark-Avro as the default temp file format, either the write operation fails with the exception: Error (code 1207) while loading data into Redshift: "Invalid digit, Value '"', Pos 0, Type: Decimal" or the write operation writes nulls in place of the ...
0 min reading timeDate functions only accept int values in Apache Spark 3.0
Problem You are attempting to use the date_add() or date_sub() functions in Spark 3.0, but they are returning an Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException error message. In Spark 2.4 and below, both functions work as normal. %sql select date_add(cast('1964-05-23' as date), '12.34') Cause You are attempting to use a fractional or string value as the ...
0 min reading timeApache Spark jobs fail with Environment directory not found error
Problem After you install a Python library (via the cluster UI or by using pip), your Apache Spark jobs fail with an Environment directory not found error message. org.apache.spark.SparkException: Environment directory not found at /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python Cause Libraries are installed on a Network File System (NFS) on th...
0 min reading timeRunning C++ code in Scala
Run C++ from Scala notebook Review the Run C++ from Scala notebook....
0 min reading timeAccess denied when writing logs to an S3 bucket
Problem When you try to write log files to an S3 bucket, you get the error: Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 2F8D8A07CD8817EA), S3 Extended Request ID: Cause The DBFS mount is in an S3 bucket that assumes roles and uses sse-kms encryption. Th...
0 min reading timeDelta Lake write job fails with java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Problem Delta Lake write jobs sometimes fail with the following exception: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Path, content: InputStream). DBFS v1 doesn't support transactional writes from multiple clusters. Please upgrade to DBFS v2. Or you can disable multi-cluster writes by ...
0 min reading timeOptimize read performance from JDBC data sources
Problem Reading data from an external JDBC database is slow. How can I improve read performance? Solution See the detailed discussion in the Databricks documentation on how to optimize performance when reading data (AWS | Azure | GCP) from an external JDBC database....
0 min reading timeDelete your streaming query checkpoint and restart
Problem Your job fails with a Delta table <value> doesn't exist. Please delete your streaming query checkpoint and restart. error message. Cause Two different streaming sources are configured to use the same checkpoint directory. This is not supported. For example, assume streaming query A streams data from Delta table A, and uses the director...
0 min reading timeCluster cancels Python command execution due to library conflict
Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Notebooks in all other languages execute successfully on the same cluster. Cause When you install a conflicting version of a library, such as ipython, ipywidgets, numpy, scipy, or pandas to the PYTHONPATH, then the Python REPL can break, causing all commands to return Cancelled after 30 sec...
1 min reading timeRocksDB fails to acquire a lock
Problem You are trying to use RocksDB as a state store for your structured streaming application, when you get an error message saying that the instance could not be acquired. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: RocksDB instance could not be acquired by [ThreadId: 742, task: 140.3 in stage 3152, TID 553193] as it was not released by [ThreadI...
0 min reading timeEBS leaked volumes
Problem After a cluster is terminated on AWS, some EBS volumes are not deleted automatically. These stray, unattached EBS volumes are often referred to as “leaked” volumes. Cause Databricks always sets DeletionOnTermination=true for the EBS volumes it creates when it launches clusters. Therefore, whenever a cluster instance is terminated, AWS should...
0 min reading timeHow to check if a spark property is modifiable in a notebook
Problem You can tune applications by setting various configurations. Some configurations must be set at the cluster level, whereas some are set inside notebooks or applications. Solution To check if a particular Spark configuration can be set in a notebook, run the following command in a notebook cell: %scala spark.conf.isModifiable("spark.databrick...
0 min reading timePython 2 sunset status officially moved Python 2 into EoL (end-of-life) status on January 1, 2020. What does this mean for you? Databricks Runtime 6.0 and above Databricks Runtime 6.0 and above support only Python 3. You cannot create a cluster with Python 2 using these runtimes. Any clusters created with these runtimes use Python 3 by definition. Databricks Ru...
1 min reading timeCannot modify the value of an Apache Spark config
Problem You are trying to SET the value of a Spark config in a notebook and get a Cannot modify the value of a Spark config error. For example: %sql SET spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: Cannot modify the value of a Spark config: spark.serializer; Cause The SET command does not wor...
0 min reading timeInvalid timestamp when loading data into Amazon Redshift
Problem When you use a spark-redshift write operation to save timestamp data to Amazon Redshift, the following error can occur if that timestamp data includes timezone information. Error (code 1206) while loading data into Redshift: "Invalid timestamp format or value [YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSOF]" Cause The Redshift table is using the Timestamp data typ...
0 min reading timeAccess denied when writing to an S3 bucket using RDD
Problem Writing to an S3 bucket using RDDs fails. The driver node can write, but the worker (executor) node returns an access denied error. Writing with the DataFrame API, however works fine. For example, let’s say you run the following code: %scala import import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} imp...
1 min reading timeUnable to load AWS credentials
Problem When you try to access AWS resources like S3, SQS or Redshift, the operation fails with the error: com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to load AWS credentials from any provider in the chain: [BasicAWSCredentialsProvider: Access key or secret key is null, com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider@a590007a: The requested metad...
0 min reading timeAccess denied when writing Delta Lake tables to S3
Problem Writing DataFrame contents in Delta Lake format to an S3 location can cause an error: Forbidden (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: 403 Forbidden; Request ID: C827672D85516BA9; S3 Extended Request ID: Cause A write operation involving the Delta Lake format requires permissions...
0 min reading timeUnable to access Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen1 when firewall is enabled
Problem When you have a firewall enabled on your Azure virtual network (VNet) and you try to access ADLS using the ADLS Gen1 connector, it fails with the error: 328 format(target_id, ".", name), value) 329 else: 330 raise Py4JError(Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o196.parquet.: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find ADLS Token at ...
0 min reading timeHow to switch a SNS streaming job to a new SQS queue
Problem You have a Structured Streaming job running via the S3-SQS connector. Suppose you want to recreate the source SQS, backed by SNS data, and you want to proceed with a new queue to be processed in the same job and in the same output directory. Solution Use the following procedure: Create new SQS queues and subscribe to s3-events (from SNS). At...
0 min reading timePython command execution fails with AttributeError
This article can help you resolve scenarios in which Python command execution fails with an AttributeError. Problem: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'type' When you run a notebook, Python command execution fails with the following error and stack trace: AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'type' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/...
3 min reading timeHow to set up an embedded Apache Hive metastore
You can set up a Databricks cluster to use an embedded metastore. You can use an embedded metastore when you only need to retain table metadata during the life of the cluster. If the cluster is restarted, the metadata is lost. If you need to persist the table metadata or other data after a cluster restart, then you should use the default metastore o...
0 min reading timeHow to explore Apache Spark metrics with Spark listeners
Apache Spark provides several useful internal listeners that track metrics about tasks and jobs. During the development cycle, for example, these metrics can help you to understand when and why a task takes a long time to finish. Of course, you can leverage the Spark UI or History UI to see information for each task and stage, but there are some dow...
2 min reading timeReading large DBFS-mounted files using Python APIs
This article explains how to resolve an error that occurs when you read large DBFS-mounted files using local Python APIs. Problem If you mount a folder onto dbfs:// and read a file larger than 2GB in a Python API like pandas, you will see following error: /databricks/python/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/ in pandas.parser.TextRead...
0 min reading timeForbidden error while accessing S3 data
Problem While trying to access S3 data using DBFS mount or directly in Spark APIs, the command fails with an exception similar to the following: Forbidden; Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXX, Extended Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Cloud Provider: AWS, Instance ID: XXXXXXXXXX (Service: Amazon S3; Status Co...
1 min reading timePyArrow hotfix breaking change
Problem On Dec 5th, 2023, Databricks rolled out a security update to all supported Databricks Runtime versions to address a critical vulnerability (CVE-2023-47248) from the PyArrow python package embedded in Databricks Runtime. With this update, Databricks packages and automatically activates pyarrow-hotfix as remediation. The PyArrow community reco...
1 min reading timeStreaming with File Sink: Problems with recovery if you change checkpoint or output directories
When you stream data into a file sink, you should always change both checkpoint and output directories together. Otherwise, you can get failures or unexpected outputs. Apache Spark creates a folder inside the output directory named _spark_metadata. This folder contains write-ahead logs for every batch run. This is how Spark gets exactly-once guarant...
0 min reading timeHow to create table DDLs to import into an external metastore
Databricks supports using external metastores instead of the default Hive metastore. You can export all table metadata from Hive to the external metastore. Use the Apache Spark Catalog API to list the tables in the databases contained in the metastore. Use the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement to generate the DDLs and store them in a file. Use the file to...
0 min reading timeDelta Lake UPDATE query fails with IllegalState exception
Problem When you execute a Delta Lake UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE query that uses Python UDFs in any of its transformations, it fails with the following exception: AWS java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Error in SQL statement: IllegalStateException: File (s3a://xxx/table1) to be rewritten not found among candidate files: s3a://xxx/table1/part-000...
0 min reading timeHow to correctly update a Maven library in Databricks
Problem You make a minor update to a library in the repository, but you don’t want to change the version number because it is a small change for testing purposes. When you attach the library to your cluster again, your code changes are not included in the library. Cause One strength of Databricks is the ability to install third-party or custom libra...
0 min reading timeCannot read audit logs due to duplicate columns
Problem You are trying to read a udit logs and get an AnalysisException: Found duplicate column(s) error."json").load("dbfs://mnt/logs/<path-to-logs>/date=2021-12-07") // AnalysisException: Found duplicate column(s) in the data schema: `<some_column>` Cause From November 2021 to December 2021, a limited number of Data...
0 min reading timePersist Apache Spark CSV metrics to a DBFS location
Spark has a configurable metrics system that supports a number of sinks, including CSV files. In this article, we are going to show you how to configure a Databricks cluster to use a CSV sink and persist those metrics to a DBFS location. Create an init script All of the configuration is done in an init script. The init script does the following thre...
1 min reading timeJob fails due to job rate limit
Problem A Databricks notebook or Jobs API request returns the following error: Error : {"error_code":"INVALID_STATE","message":"There were already 1000 jobs created in past 3600 seconds, exceeding rate limit: 1000 job creations per 3600 seconds."} You are not able to run jobs getting a QUOTA_EXCEEDED error message: 'error_code':'QUOTA_EXCEEDED','mes...
0 min reading timeUnable to read files and list directories in a WASB filesystem
Problem When you try reading a file on WASB with Spark, you get the following exception: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 1.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.3 in stage 1.0 (TID 19,, executor 0):
1 min reading timeCPU core limit prevents cluster creation
Problem Cluster creation fails with a message about a cloud provider error when you hover over cluster state. Cloud Provider Launch Failure: A cloud provider error was encountered while setting up the cluster. When you view the cluster event log to get more details, you see a message about core quota limits. Operation results in exceeding quota limi...
0 min reading timeHow to configure single-core executors to run JNI libraries
When you create a cluster, Databricks launches one Apache Spark executor instance per worker node, and the executor uses all of the cores on the node. In certain situations, such as if you want to run non-thread-safe JNI libraries, you might need an executor that has only one core or task slot, and does not attempt to run concurrent tasks. In this c...
1 min reading timeCannot uninstall library from UI
Problem Usually, libraries can be uninstalled in the Clusters UI. If the checkbox to select the library is disabled, then it’s not possible to uninstall the library from the UI. Cause If you create a library using REST API version 1.2 and if auto-attach is enabled, the library is installed on all clusters. In this scenario, the Clusters UI checkbox ...
0 min reading timeHow to discover who deleted a workspace in Azure portal
If your workspace has disappeared or been deleted, you can identify which user deleted it by checking the Activity log in the Azure portal. Go to the Activity log in the Azure portal. Expand the timeline to focus on when the workspace was deleted. Filter the log for a record of the specific event. Click on the event to display information about the ...
0 min reading timeFailure when mounting or accessing Azure Blob storage
Problem When you try to access an already created mount point or create a new mount point, it fails with the error: WASB: Fails with java.lang.NullPointerException Cause This error can occur when the root mount path (such as /mnt/) is also mounted to blob storage. Run the following command to check if the root path is also mounted: %python dbutils.f...
0 min reading timeAnalysisException when dropping table on Azure-backed metastore
Problem When you try to drop a table in an external Hive version 2.0 or 2.1 metastore that is deployed on Azure SQL Database, Databricks throws the following exception: com.databricks.backend.common.rpc.DatabricksExceptions$SQLExecutionException: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(...
0 min reading timeAdmin user cannot restart cluster to run job
Problem When a user who has permission to start a cluster, such as a Databricks Admin user, submits a job that is owned by a different user, the job fails with the following message: Message: Run executed on existing cluster ID <cluster id> failed because of insufficient permissions. The error received from the cluster manager was: 'You are no...
0 min reading timeDrop tables with corrupted metadata from the metastore
Problem Sometimes you cannot drop a table from the Databricks UI. Using %sql or spark.sql to drop table doesn’t work either. Cause The metadata (table schema) stored in the metastore is corrupted. When you run Drop table command, Spark checks whether table exists or not before dropping the table. Since the metadata is corrupted for the table Spark c...
0 min reading timeCommon errors using Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory is a managed service that lets you author data pipelines using Azure Databricks notebooks, JARs, and Python scripts. This article describes common issues and solutions. Cluster could not be created When you create a data pipeline in Azure Data Factory that uses an Azure Databricks-related activity such as Notebook Activity, you ca...
2 min reading timeApache Spark Jobs hang due to non-deterministic custom UDF
Problem Sometimes Apache Spark jobs hang indefinitely due to the non-deterministic behavior of a Spark User-Defined Function (UDF). Here is an example of such a function: %scala val convertorUDF = (commentCol: String) => { #UDF definition } val translateColumn = udf(convertorUDF) If you call this UDF using the withColumn() A...
0 min reading timeDisable cluster-scoped init scripts on DBFS
On May 2, 2023 Databricks announced that cluster-scoped init scripts stored on DBFS are deprecated. Cluster-scoped init scripts should be stored as workplace files. You can prevent users from launching clusters using cluster-scoped init scripts stored on DBFS by setting a cluster policy. Instructions Warning You must be a Databricks admin to apply c...
0 min reading timeMultiple Apache Spark JAR jobs fail when run concurrently
Problem If you run multiple Apache Spark JAR jobs concurrently, some of the runs might fail with the error: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table or view not found: xxxxxxx; line 1 pos 48 Cause This error occurs due to a bug in Scala. When an object extends App, its val fields are no longer immutable and they can be changed when the main met...
0 min reading timeTroubleshooting unresponsive Python notebooks or canceled commands
This article provides an overview of troubleshooting steps you can take if a notebook is unresponsive or cancels commands. Check metastore connectivity Problem Simple commands in newly-attached notebooks fail, but succeed in notebooks that were attached to the same cluster earlier. Troubleshooting steps Check metastore connectivity. The inability to...
0 min reading timeInstall rJava and RJDBC libraries
This article explains how to install rJava and RJBDC libraries. Problem When you install rJava and RJDBC libraries with the following command in a notebook cell: %r install.packages(c("rJava", "RJDBC")) You observe the following error: ERROR: configuration failed for package 'rJava' Cause The rJava and RJDBC packages check for Java dependencies and ...
0 min reading timeVulnerability scan shows vulnerabilities in Databricks EC2 instances
Problem The Corporate Information Security (CIS) Vulnerability Management team identifies vulnerabilities in AWS instances that are traced to EC2 instances created by Databricks (worker AMI). Cause The Databricks security team addresses all critical vulnerabilities and updates the core and worker AMIs on a regular basis. However, if there are long-r...
0 min reading timeDisable broadcast when query plan has BroadcastNestedLoopJoin
This article explains how to disable broadcast when the query plan has BroadcastNestedLoopJoin in the physical plan. You expect the broadcast to stop after you disable the broadcast threshold, by setting spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold to -1, but Apache Spark tries to broadcast the bigger table and fails with a broadcast error. This behavior is...
1 min reading timeAdding a configuration setting overwrites all default spark.executor.extraJavaOptions settings
Problem When you add a configuration setting by entering it in the Apache Spark config text area, the new setting replaces existing settings instead of being appended. Version Databricks Runtime 5.1 and below. Cause When the cluster restarts, the cluster reads settings from a configuration file that is created in the Clusters UI, and overwrites the ...
1 min reading timeHow to restart a structured streaming query from last written offset
Scenario You have a stream, running a windowed aggregation query, that reads from Apache Kafka and writes files in Append mode. You want to upgrade the application and restart the query with the offset equal to the last written offset. You want to discard all state information that hasn’t been written to the sink, start processing from the earliest ...
1 min reading timeFix the version of R packages
When you use the install.packages() function to install CRAN packages, you cannot specify the version of the package, because the expectation is that you will install the latest version of the package and it should be compatible with the latest version of its dependencies. If you have an outdated dependency installed, it will be updated as well. Som...
0 min reading timeNulls and empty strings in a partitioned column save as nulls
Problem If you save data containing both empty strings and null values in a column on which the table is partitioned, both values become null after writing and reading the table. To illustrate this, create a simple DataFrame: %scala import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder val data = Seq(Row(1, "")...
0 min reading timeHow to extract feature information for tree-based Apache SparkML pipeline models
When you are fitting a tree-based model, such as a decision tree, random forest, or gradient boosted tree, it is helpful to be able to review the feature importance levels along with the feature names. Typically models in SparkML are fit as the last stage of the pipeline. To extract the relevant feature information from the pipeline with the tree mo...
0 min reading timeBehavior of the randomSplit method
When using randomSplit on a DataFrame, you could potentially observe inconsistent behavior. Here is an example: %python df ='inconsistent_data_source').load() a,b = df.randomSplit([0.5, 0.5]) a.join(broadcast(b), on='id', how='inner').count() Typically this query returns 0. However, depending on the underlying data source or input...
0 min reading timeHow to parallelize R code with gapply
Parallelization of R code is difficult, because R code runs on the driver and R data.frames are not distributed. Often, there is existing R code that is run locally and that is converted to run on Apache Spark. In other cases, some SparkR functions used for advanced statistical analysis and machine learning techniques may not support distributed com...
1 min reading timeAppend output is not supported without a watermark
Problem You are performing an aggregation using append mode and an exception error message is returned. Append output mode not supported when there are streaming aggregations on streaming DataFrames/DataSets without watermark Cause You cannot use append mode on an aggregated DataFrame without a watermark. This is by design. Solution You must apply a...
0 min reading timeAdd libraries to a job cluster to reduce idle time
Problem: You have an automated job that requires the use of external Maven libraries. You created a separate cluster with the libraries installed, but it incurs idle time, resulting in unnecessary costs. Solution: To add libraries to a job cluster, follow these steps: Create a job in Databricks. Click Add next to dependent libraries. In the pop-up...
0 min reading timeExperiment warning when custom artifact storage location is used
Problem When you create an MLflow experiment with a custom artifact location, you get the following warning: Cause MLflow experiment permissions (AWS | Azure | GCP) are enforced on artifacts in MLflow Tracking, enabling you to easily control access to datasets, models, and other files. MLflow cannot guarantee the enforcement of access controls on ar...
0 min reading timeHow to troubleshoot several Apache Hive metastore problems
Problem 1: External metastore tables not available When you inspect the driver logs, you see a stack trace that includes the error Required table missing: WARN Query: Query for candidates of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.model.MDatabase and subclasses resulted in no possible candidates Required table missing: "DBS" in Catalog "" Schema "". DataNu...
2 min reading timeCannot access objects written by Databricks from outside Databricks
Problem When you attempt to access an object in an S3 location written by Databricks using the AWS CLI, the following error occurs: ubuntu@0213-174944-clean111-10-93-15-150:~$ aws s3 cp s3://<bucket>/<location>/0/delta/sandbox/deileringDemo__m2/_delta_log/00000000000000000000.json . fatal error: An error occurred (403) when calling the H...
1 min reading timePower BI proxy and SSL configuration
Driver configurations You can set driver configurations using the microsoft.sparkodbc.ini file which can be found in the ODBC Drivers\Simba Spark ODBC Driver directory. The absolute path of the microsoft.sparkodbc.ini directory depends on whether you are using Power BI Desktop or on-premises Power BI Gateway: Power BI Desktop: C:\Program Files\Micro...
2 min reading timeCreate table in overwrite mode fails when interrupted
Problem When you attempt to rerun an Apache Spark write operation by cancelling the currently running job, the following error occurs: Error: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Cannot create the managed table('`testdb`.` testtable`'). The associated location ('dbfs:/user/hive/warehouse/testdb.db/metastore_cache_ testtable) already exists.; Caus...
0 min reading timeFailure to detect encoding in JSON
Problem Spark job fails with an exception containing the message: Invalid UTF-32 character 0x1414141(above 10ffff) at char #1, byte #7) At org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.json.JacksonParser.parse Cause The JSON data source reader is able to automatically detect encoding of input JSON files using BOM at the beginning of the files. However, BOM is not ...
0 min reading timeHow to discover who deleted a cluster in Azure portal
If a cluster in your workspace has disappeared or been deleted, you can identify which user deleted it by running a query in the Log Analytics workspaces service in the Azure portal. Note If you do not have an analytics workspace set up, you must configure Diagnostic Logging in Azure Databricks before you continue. Load the Log Analytics workspaces ...
0 min reading timeGenerate schema from case class
Spark provides an easy way to generate a schema from a Scala case class. For case class A, use the method ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A].dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]. For example: %scala import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection case class A(key: String, time: java.sql.Timestamp, date: java....
0 min reading timeVerify the version of Log4j on your cluster
Databricks recently published a blog on Log4j 2 Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) Research and Assessment. Databricks does not directly use a version of Log4j known to be affected by this vulnerability within the Databricks platform in a way we understand may be vulnerable. If you are using Log4j within your cluster (for example, if you are processing ...
2 min reading timeHow to perform group K-fold cross validation with Apache Spark
Cross validation randomly splits the training data into a specified number of folds. To prevent data leakage where the same data shows up in multiple folds you can use groups. scikit-learn supports group K-fold cross validation to ensure that the folds are distinct and non-overlapping. On Spark you can use the spark-sklearn library, which distribute...
0 min reading timeDelta Merge cannot resolve nested field
Problem You are attempting a Delta Merge with automatic schema evolution, but it fails with a Delta Merge: cannot resolve 'field' due to data type mismatch error message. Cause This can happen if you have made changes to the nested column fields. For example, assume we have a column called Address with the fields streetName, houseNumber, and city ne...
0 min reading timeMulti-part upload failure
Problem You observe a job failure with the exception: com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to complete multi-part upload. Individual part upload failed : Unable to execute HTTP request: Timeout waiting for connection from pool org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for connection from pool ... com.amazonaws.http.Ama...
1 min reading timeHow to save Plotly files and display From DBFS
You can save a chart generated with Plotly to the driver node as a jpg or png file. Then, you can display it in a notebook by using the displayHTML() method. By default, you save Plotly charts to the /databricks/driver/ directory on the driver node in your cluster. Use the following procedure to display the charts at a later time. Generate a sample ...
0 min reading timeConvert flattened DataFrame to nested JSON
This article explains how to convert a flattened DataFrame to a nested structure, by nesting a case class within another case class. You can use this technique to build a JSON file, that can then be sent to an external API. Define nested schema We’ll start with a flattened DataFrame. Using this example DataFrame, we define a custom nested schema usi...
0 min reading timeFileReadException when reading a Delta table
Problem You attempt to read a Delta table from mounted storage and get a FileReadException error. FileReadException: Error while reading file A file referenced in the transaction log...
2 min reading timeApache Spark JDBC datasource query option doesn’t work for Oracle database
Problem When you use the query option with the Apache Spark JDBC datasource to connect to an Oracle Database, it fails with this error: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00911: invalid character For example, if you run the following to make a JDBC connection: %scala val df = .format("jdbc") .option("url", "<url>") .option(...
0 min reading timeHow to overwrite log4j configurations on Databricks clusters
Warning This article describes steps related to customer use of Log4j 1.x within a Databricks cluster. Log4j 1.x is no longer maintained and has three known CVEs (CVE-2021-4104, CVE-2020-9488, and CVE-2019-17571). If your code uses one of the affected classes (JMSAppender or SocketServer), your use may potentially be impacted by these vulnerabilitie...
0 min reading timeOperation not supported during append
Problem You are attempting to append data to a file saved on an external storage mount point and are getting an error message: OSError: [Errno 95] Operation not supported. The error occurs when trying to append to a file from both Python and R. Cause Direct appends and random writes are not supported in FUSE v2, which is available in Databricks Runt...
0 min reading timeAccessing Redshift fails with NullPointerException
Problem Sometimes when you read a Redshift table: %scala val original_df = format("com.databricks.spark.redshift"). option("url", url). option("user", user). option("password", password). option("query", query). option("forward_spark_s3_credentials", true). option("tempdir", "path"). load()...
1 min reading timePrevent duplicated columns when joining two DataFrames
If you perform a join in Spark and don’t specify your join correctly you’ll end up with duplicate column names. This makes it harder to select those columns. This article and notebook demonstrate how to perform a join so that you don’t have duplicated columns. Join on columns If you join on columns, you get duplicated columns. Scala %scala val llist...
0 min reading timeJob fails due to cluster manager core instance request limit
Problem A Databricks Notebook or Job API returns the following error: Unexpected failure while creating the cluster for the job. Cause REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Your request was rejected due to API rate limit. Please retry your request later, or choose a larger node type instead. Cause The error indicates the Cluster Manager Service core instance requ...
0 min reading timeError in SQL statement: AnalysisException: Table or view not found
Problem When you try to query a table or view, you get this error: AnalysisException:Table or view not found when trying to query a global temp view Cause You typically create global temp views so they can be accessed from different sessions and kept alive until the application ends. You can create a global temp view with the following statement: %s...
0 min reading timeHow to send email or SMS messages from Databricks notebooks
You may need to send a notification to a set of recipients from a Databricks notebook. For example, you may want to send email based on matching business rules or based on a command’s success or failure. This article describes two approaches to sending email or SMS messages from a notebook. Both examples use Python notebooks: Send email or SMS messa...
1 min reading timeStream XML files using an auto-loader
Apache Spark does not include a streaming API for XML files. However, you can combine the auto-loader features of the Spark batch API with the OSS library, Spark-XML, to stream XML files. In this article, we present a Scala based solution that parses XML data using an auto-loader. Install Spark-XML library You must install the Spark-XML OSS library ...
1 min reading timeIncompatible schema in some files
Problem The Spark job fails with an exception like the following while reading Parquet files: Error in SQL statement: SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 20 in stage 11227.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 20.3 in stage 11227.0 (TID 868031,, executor 31): java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: org.a...
1 min reading timeError when reading data from ADLS Gen1 with Sparklyr
Problem When using a cluster with Azure AD Credential Passthrough enabled, commands that you run on that cluster are able to read and write your data in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 without requiring you to configure service principal credentials for access to storage. For example, you can directly access data using %python"adl://mya...
0 min reading timeJob fails with atypical errors message
Problem Your job run fails with a throttled due to observing atypical errors error message. Cluster became unreachable during run Cause: xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx is throttled due to observing atypical errors Cause The jobs on this cluster have returned too many large results to the Apache Spark driver node. As a result, the chauffeur service runs out of m...
0 min reading timeHow to set up Apache Kafka on Databricks
This article explains how to set up Apache Kafka on AWS EC2 machines and connect them with Databricks. Following are the high level steps that are required to create a Kafka cluster and connect from Databricks notebooks. Step 1: Create a new VPC in AWS When creating the new VPC, set the new VPC CIDR range different than the Databricks VPC CIDR range...
1 min reading timeList all workspace objects
You can use the Databricks Workspace API (AWS | Azure | GCP) to recursively list all workspace objects under a given path. Common use cases for this include: Indexing all notebook names and types for all users in your workspace. Use the output, in conjunction with other API calls, to delete unused workspaces or to manage notebooks. Dynamically get t...
1 min reading timeInstall and compile Cython
This document explains how to run Spark code with compiled Cython code. The steps are as follows: Creates an example Cython module on DBFS (AWS | Azure). Adds the file to the Spark session. Creates a wrapper method to load the module on the executors. Runs the mapper on a sample dataset. Generate a larger dataset and compare the performance with nat...
2 min reading timeConvert nested JSON to a flattened DataFrame
This article shows you how to flatten nested JSON, using only $"column.*" and explode methods. Sample JSON file Pass the sample JSON string to the reader. %scala val json =""" { "id": "0001", "type": "donut", "name": "Cake", "ppu": 0.55, "batters": { "batter": ...
1 min reading timeHow to calculate the Databricks file system (DBFS) S3 API call cost
The cost of a DBFS S3 bucket is primarily driven by the number of API calls, and secondarily by the cost of storage. You can use the AWS CloudTrail logs to create a table, count the number of API calls, and thereby calculate the exact cost of the API requests. Obtain the following information. You may need to contact your AWS Administrator to get it...
1 min reading timeTroubleshooting JDBC/ODBC access to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Problem Info In general, you should use Databricks Runtime 5.2 and above, which include a built-in Azure Blob File System (ABFS) driver, when you want to access Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2). This article applies to users who are accessing ADLS Gen2 storage using JDBC/ODBC instead. When you run a SQL query from a JDBC or ODBC client to ac...
1 min reading timeMonitor running jobs with a Job Run dashboard
The Job Run dashboard is a notebook that displays information about all of the jobs currently running in your workspace. To configure the dashboard, you must have permission to attach a notebook to an all-purpose cluster in the workspace you want to monitor. If an all-purpose cluster does not exist, you must have permission to create one. Once the d...
1 min reading timeJobs are not progressing in the workspace
Problem Jobs fail to run on any cluster in the workspace. Cause This can happen if you have changed the VNet of an existing workspace. Changing the VNet of an existing Azure Databricks workspace is not supported. Review Deploy Azure Databricks in your Azure virtual network (VNet injection) for more details. Solution Open the cluster driver logs in t...
0 min reading timeExperiment warning when legacy artifact storage location is used
Problem A new icon appears on the MLflow Experiments page with the following open access warning: Cause MLflow experiment permissions (AWS | Azure | GCP) are enforced on artifacts in MLflow Tracking, enabling you to easily control access to datasets, models, and other files. In MLflow 1.11 and above, new experiments store artifacts in an MLflow-mana...
0 min reading timeHow to update nested columns
Spark doesn’t support adding new columns or dropping existing columns in nested structures. In particular, the withColumn and drop methods of the Dataset class don’t allow you to specify a column name different from any top level columns. For example, suppose you have a dataset with the following schema: %scala val schema = (new StructType) .a...
0 min reading timeJob failure due to Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) CREATE limits
Problem When you run a job that involves creating files in Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS), either Gen1 or Gen2, the following exception occurs: Caused by: CREATE failed with error 0x83090c25 (Files and folders are being created at too high a rate). [745c5836-264e-470c-9c90-c605f1c100f5] failed with error 0x83090c25 (Files and fo...
0 min reading timeHow to ensure idempotency for jobs
When you submit jobs through the Databricks Jobs REST API, idempotency is not guaranteed. If the client request is timed out and the client resubmits the same request, you may end up with duplicate jobs running. To ensure job idempotency when you submit jobs through the Jobs API, you can use an idempotency token to define a unique value for a specif...
0 min reading timeCosmosDB-Spark connector library conflict
This article explains how to resolve an issue running applications that use the CosmosDB-Spark connector in the Databricks environment. Problem Normally if you add a Maven dependency to your Spark cluster, your app should be able to use the required connector libraries. But currently, if you simply specify the CosmosDB-Spark connector’s Maven co-ord...
0 min reading timeJapanese character support in external metastore
Problem You are trying to use Japanese characters in your tables, but keep getting errors. Create a table with the OPTIONS keyword OPTIONS provides extra metadata to the table. You try creating a table with OPTIONS and specify the charset as utf8mb4. %sql CREATE TABLE default.JPN_COLUMN_NAMES('作成年月' string ,'計上年月' string ,'所属コード' string ,'生保代理店コード_8...
1 min reading timeGet the path of files consumed by Auto Loader
When you process streaming files with Auto Loader (AWS | Azure | GCP), events are logged based on the files created in the underlying storage. This article shows you how to add the file path for every filename to a new column in the output DataFrame. One use case for this is auditing. When files are ingested to a partitioned folder structure there i...
0 min reading timeHandling partition column values while using an SQS queue as a streaming source
Problem If data in S3 is stored by partition, the partition column values are used to name folders in the source directory structure. However, if you use an SQS queue as a streaming source, the S3-SQS source cannot detect the partition column values. For example, if you save the following DataFrame to S3 in JSON format: %scala val df = spark.range(1...
0 min reading timeCluster-named and cluster-scoped init script migration notebook
On Dec 1, 2023, Databricks will disable cluster-named init scripts for all workspaces. This type of init script was previously deprecated and will not be usable after Dec 1, 2023. Cluster-named init scripts were replaced by cluster-scoped init scripts in August 2018. Cluster-scoped init scripts stored as workspace files continue to be supported. Dat...
2 min reading timeCreate a cluster with Conda
Conda is a popular open source package management system for the Anaconda repo. Databricks Runtime for Machine Learning (Databricks Runtime ML) uses Conda to manage Python library dependencies. If you want to use Conda, you should use Databricks Runtime ML. Attempting to install Anaconda or Conda for use with Databricks Runtime is not supported. Fol...
0 min reading timeS3 part number must be between 1 and 10000 inclusive
Problem When you copy a large file from the local file system to DBFS on S3, the following exception can occur: Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Exception: Part number must be an integer between 1 and 10000, inclusive Cause This is an S3 limit on segment count. Part files can only be numbered from 1 to 10000, inclusive. Solution To prevent this exception from occu...
0 min reading timeNetwork configuration of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 causes ADLException: Error getting info for file
Problem Access to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 (ADLS Gen1) fails with ADLException: Error getting info for file <filename> when the following network configuration is in place: Azure Databricks workspace is deployed in your own virtual network (uses VNet injection). Traffic is allowed via Azure Data Lake Storage credential passthrough. ADLS Ge...
1 min reading timeSerialized task is too large
If you see the follow error message, you may be able to fix this error by changing the Spark config (AWS | Azure ) when you start the cluster. Serialized task XXX:XXX was XXX bytes, which exceeds max allowed: spark.rpc.message.maxSize (XXX bytes). Consider increasing spark.rpc.message.maxSize or using broadcast variables for large values. To change ...
0 min reading timeRun C++ code in Python
Run C++ from Python example notebook Review the Run C++ from Python notebook to learn how to compile C++ code and run it on a cluster....
0 min reading timeHow to handle blob data contained in an XML file
If you log events in XML format, then every XML event is recorded as a base64 string. In order to run analytics on this data using Apache Spark, you need to use the spark_xml library and the BASE64DECODER API to transform the data for analysis. Problem You need to analyze base64-encoded strings from an XML-formatted log file using Spark. For example...
1 min reading timeError when installing pyodbc on a cluster
Problem One of the following errors occurs when you use pip to install the pyodbc library. java.lang.RuntimeException: Installation failed with message: Collecting pyodbc "Library installation is failing due to missing dependencies. sasl and thrift_sasl are optional dependencies for SASL or Kerberos support" Cause Although sasl and thrift_sasl are o...
1 min reading timeHow to use Apache Spark metrics
This article gives an example of how to monitor Apache Spark components using the Spark configurable metrics system. Specifically, it shows how to set a new source and enable a sink. For detailed information about the Spark components available for metrics collection, including sinks supported out of the box, follow the documentation link above. Inf...
0 min reading timeHow to delete all jobs using the REST API
Run the following commands to delete all jobs in a Databricks workspace. Identify the jobs to delete and list them in a text file:%sh curl -X GET -u "Bearer: <token>" https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/list | grep -o -P 'job_id.{0,6}' | awk -F':' '{print $2}' >> job_id.txt Run the curlcommand in a loop to delete the identif...
0 min reading timeRemove Log4j 1.x JMSAppender and SocketServer classes from classpath
Databricks recently published a blog on Log4j 2 Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) Research and Assessment. Databricks does not directly use a version of Log4j known to be affected by this vulnerability within the Databricks platform in a way we understand may be vulnerable. Databricks also does not use the affected classes from Log4j 1.x with known vul...
2 min reading timeBest practices for dropping a managed Delta Lake table
Regardless of how you drop a managed table, it can take a significant amount of time, depending on the data size. Delta Lake managed tables in particular contain a lot of metadata in the form of transaction logs, and they can contain duplicate data files. If a Delta table has been in use for a long time, it can accumulate a very large amount of data...
0 min reading timeFailure to start AWS clusters with c5.2xlarge instance type
Problem: Attempting to start a cluster with the c5.2xlarge instance type on AWS fails with an error message: Run result unavailable: job failed with error message Unexpected failure while waiting for the cluster to be ready: Cluster is in unexpected state Terminated: AWS_UNSUPPORTED_FAILURE(SUCCESS) databricks_error_message: No zone supports both ...
0 min reading timeCannot read Databricks objects stored in the DBFS root directory
Problem An Access Denied error returns when you attempt to read Databricks objects stored in the DBFS root directory in blob storage from outside a Databricks cluster. Cause This is normal behavior for the DBFS root directory. Databricks stores objects like libraries and other temporary system files in the DBFS root directory. Databricks is the only...
0 min reading timeKafka error: No resolvable bootstrap urls
Problem You are trying to read or write data to a Kafka stream when you get an error message. Failed to construct kafka consumer Caused by: No resolvable bootstrap urls given in bootstrap.servers If you are running a notebook, the error me...
0 min reading timeInvalid Access Token error when running jobs with Airflow
Problem When you run scheduled Airflow Databricks jobs, you get this error: Invalid Access Token : 403 Forbidden Error Cause To run or schedule Databricks jobs through Airflow, you need to configure the Databricks connection using the Airflow web UI. Any of the following incorrect settings can cause the error: Set the host field to the Databricks wo...
0 min reading timeCannot grow BufferHolder; exceeds size limitation
Problem Your Apache Spark job fails with an IllegalArgumentException: Cannot grow BufferHolder error. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot grow BufferHolder by size XXXXXXXXX because the size after growing exceeds size limitation 2147483632 Cause BufferHolder has a maximum size of 2147483632 bytes (approximately 2 GB). If a column value exceed...
0 min reading timeLibrary unavailability causing job failures
Problem You are launching jobs that import external libraries and get an Import Error. When a job causes a node to restart, the job fails with the following error message: ImportError: No module named XXX Cause The Cluster Manager is part of the Databricks service that manages customer Apache Spark clusters. It sends commands to install Python and R...
1 min reading timeDBFS init script detection notebook
On Dec 1, 2023 init scripts stored on DBFS (including legacy global init scripts and cluster-named init scripts) reached End-of-Life. Databricks recommends you migrate any init scripts stored on DBFS to a supported type as soon as possible. Review the Recommendations for init scripts (AWS | Azure | GCP) documentation for more information on supporte...
1 min reading timeApache Spark job doesn’t start
Problem No Spark jobs start, and the driver logs contain the following error: Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources Cause This error can occur when the executor memory and number of executor cores are set explicitly on the Spark Config tab. Here is a samp...
1 min reading timeCheckpoint files not being deleted when using foreachBatch()
Problem You have a streaming job using foreachBatch() to process DataFrames. %scala streamingDF.writeStream.outputMode("append").foreachBatch { (batchDF: DataFrame, batchId: Long) => batchDF.write.format("parquet").mode("overwrite").save(output_directory) }.start() Checkpoint files are being created, but are not being deleted. You can verify th...
0 min reading timeErrors when accessing MLflow artifacts without using the MLflow client
MLflow experiment permissions (AWS | Azure) are now enforced on artifacts in MLflow Tracking, enabling you to easily control access to your datasets, models, and other files. Invalid mount exception Problem When trying to access an MLflow run artifact using Databricks File System (DBFS) commands, such as dbutils.fs, you get the following error: com....
0 min reading timeChange version of R (r-base)
These instructions describe how to install a different version of R (r-base) on a cluster. You can check the default r-base version that each Databricks Runtime version is installed with in the System environment section of each Databricks Runtime release note (AWS | Azure | GCP). List available r-base-core versions To list the versions of r-base-co...
1 min reading timeApache Spark UI shows less than total node memory
Problem The Executors tab in the Spark UI shows less memory than is actually available on the node: AWS An m4.xlarge instance (16 GB ram, 4 core) for the driver node, shows 4.5 GB memory on the Executors tab. An m4.large instance (8 GB ram, 2 core) for the driver node, shows 710 MB memory on the Executors tab: Azure An F8s instance (16 GB, 4 core) f...
1 min reading timeSimplify chained transformations
Sometimes you may need to perform multiple transformations on your DataFrame: %scala import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame val testDf = (1 to 10).toDF("col") def func0(x: Int => Int, y: Int)(in: DataFrame): DataFrame = { in.filter('col > x(y)) } def func1(x: Int)(in: DataFrame): DataFrame = { in.sele...
1 min reading timeSlow cluster launch and missing nodes
Problem A cluster takes a long time to launch and displays an error message similar to the following: Cluster is running but X nodes could not be acquired Cause Provisioning an Azure VM typically takes 2-4 minutes, but if all the VMs in a cluster cannot be provisioned at the same time, cluster creation can be delayed. This is due to Azure Databricks...
0 min reading timeHow to dump tables in CSV, JSON, XML, text, or HTML format
You want to send results of your computations in Databricks outside Databricks. You can use BI tools to connect to your cluster via JDBC and export results from the BI tools, or save your tables in DBFS or blob storage and copy the data via REST API. This article introduces JSpark, a simple console tool for executing SQL queries using JDBC on Spark ...
0 min reading timeResolving package or namespace loading error
This article explains how to resolve a package or namespace loading error. Problem When you install and load some libraries in a notebook cell, like: %r library(BreakoutDetection) You may get a package or namespace error: Loading required package: BreakoutDetection: Error : package or namespace load failed for ‘BreakoutDetection’ in loadNamespace(i,...
0 min reading timeDatabricks job fails because library is not installed
Problem A Databricks job fails because the job requires a library that is not yet installed, causing Import errors. Cause The error occurs because the job starts running before required libraries install. If you run a job on a cluster in either of the following situations, the cluster can experience a delay in installing libraries: When you start an...
0 min reading timeListing table names
Problem To fetch all the table names from metastore you can use either spark.catalog.listTables() or %sql show tables. If you observe the duration to fetch the details you can see spark.catalog.listTables() usually takes longer than %sql show tables. Cause spark.catalog.listTables() tries to fetch every table’s metadata first and then show the reque...
0 min reading timeA file referenced in the transaction log cannot be found
Problem Your job fails with an error message: A file referenced in the transaction log cannot be found. Example stack trace: Error in SQL statement: SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 6.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.3 in stage 6.0 (TID 106, XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, executor 0):
1 min reading timeApache Spark DStream is not supported
Problem You are attempting to use a Spark Discretized Stream (DStream) in a Databricks streaming job, but the job is failing. Cause DStreams and the DStream API are not supported by Databricks. Solution Instead of using Spark DStream, you should migrate to Structured Streaming. Review the Databricks Structured Streaming in production (AWS | Azure | ...
0 min reading timeIncrease the number of tasks per stage
When using the spark-xml package, you can increase the number of tasks per stage by changing the configuration setting spark.hadoop.mapred.max.split.size to a lower value in the cluster’s Spark config (AWS | Azure ). This configuration setting controls the input block size. When data is read from DBFS, it is divided into input blocks, which are then...
0 min reading timeSSO server redirects to original URL, not to vanity Databricks URL
Problem When you log into Databricks using a vanity URL (such as, you are redirected to a single sign-on (SSO) server for authentication. When that server redirects you back to the Databricks website, the URL changes from the vanity URL to the original deployment URL (such as dbc- This can ...
0 min reading timeHow to parallelize R code with spark.lapply
Parallelization of R code is difficult, because R code runs on the driver and R data.frames are not distributed. Often, there is existing R code that is run locally and that is converted to run on Apache Spark. In other cases, some SparkR functions used for advanced statistical analysis and machine learning techniques may not support distributed com...
0 min reading timeAppend to a DataFrame
To append to a DataFrame, use the union method. %scala val firstDF = spark.range(3).toDF("myCol") val newRow = Seq(20) val appended = firstDF.union(newRow.toDF()) display(appended) %python firstDF = spark.range(3).toDF("myCol") newRow = spark.createDataFrame([[20]]) appended = firstDF.union(newRow) display(appended)...
0 min reading timeHow to improve performance of Delta Lake MERGE INTO queries using partition pruning
This article explains how to trigger partition pruning in Delta Lake MERGE INTO (AWS | Azure | GCP) queries from Databricks. Partition pruning is an optimization technique to limit the number of partitions that are inspected by a query. Discussion MERGE INTO can be computationally expensive if done inefficiently. You should partition the underlying ...
3 min reading timeUnexpected cluster termination
Sometimes a cluster is terminated unexpectedly, not as a result of a manual termination or a configured automatic termination. A cluster can be terminated for many reasons. Some terminations are initiated by Databricks and others are initiated by the cloud provider. This article describes termination reasons and steps for remediation. Databricks ini...
3 min reading timeDistinguish active and dead jobs
Problem On clusters where there are too many concurrent jobs, you often see some jobs stuck in the Spark UI without any progress. This complicates identifying which are the active jobs/stages versus the dead jobs/stages. Cause Whenever there are too many concurrent jobs running on a cluster, there is a chance that the Spark internal eventListenerBus...
0 min reading timeSpark job fails with Driver is temporarily unavailable
Problem When running notebooks or jobs on a cluster, they run successfully multiple times, but sometimes the driver stops working and error messages will display, such as: Driver is temporarily unavailable. The spark driver has stopped unexpectedly and is restarting. Lost connection to cluster. The notebook may have been detached. If you check the c...
1 min reading timeCluster failed to launch
This article describes several scenarios in which a cluster fails to launch, and provides troubleshooting steps for each scenario based on error messages found in logs. Cluster timeout Error messages: Driver failed to start in time INTERNAL_ERROR: The Spark driver failed to start within 300 seconds Cluster failed to be healthy within 200 seconds Cau...
2 min reading timeHow to handle corrupted Parquet files with different schema
Problem Let’s say you have a large list of essentially independent Parquet files, with a variety of different schemas. You want to read only those files that match a specific schema and skip the files that don’t match. One solution could be to read the files in sequence, identify the schema, and union the DataFrames together. However, this approach ...
0 min reading timeHow to calculate the number of cores in a cluster
You can view the number of cores in a Databricks cluster in the Workspace UI using the Metrics tab on the cluster details page. Note Azure Databricks cluster nodes must have a metrics service installed. If the driver and executors are of the same node type, you can also determine the number of cores available in a cluster programmatically, using Sca...
0 min reading timeNotebook autosave fails due to file size limits
Problem Notebook autosaving fails with the following error message: Failed to save revision: Notebook size exceeds limit. This is most commonly caused by cells with large results. Remove some cells or split the notebook. Cause The maximum notebook size allowed for autosaving is 8 MB. Solution First, check the size of your notebook file using your br...
0 min reading timeApache Spark executor memory allocation
By default, the amount of memory available for each executor is allocated within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory heap. This is controlled by the spark.executor.memory property. However, some unexpected behaviors were observed on instances with a large amount of memory allocated. As JVMs scale up in memory size, issues with the garbage collecto...
0 min reading timeCheckpoint files not being deleted when using display()
Problem You have a streaming job using display() to display DataFrames. %scala val streamingDF = spark.readStream.schema(schema).parquet(<input_path>) display(streamingDF) Checkpoint files are being created, but are not being deleted. You can verify the problem by navigating to the root directory and looking in the /local_disk0/tmp/ folder. Ch...
0 min reading timeConvert Python datetime object to string
There are multiple ways to display date and time values with Python, however not all of them are easy to read. For example, when you collect a timestamp column from a DataFrame and save it as a Python variable, the value is stored as a datetime object. If you are not familiar with the datetime object format, it is not as easy to read as the common Y...
1 min reading timeADLS and WASB writes are being throttled
Problem When accessing data stored on Azure data Lake Storage (ADLS) Windows Azure Storage Blobs (WASB) requests start timing out. You may see an error message indicating that storage is being accessed at too high a rate. Files and folders are being created at too high a rate Cause Azure storage subscriptions have a limit on how many files and folde...
0 min reading timeApache Spark job fails with maxResultSize exception
Problem A Spark job fails with a maxResultSize exception: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Total size of serialized results of XXXX tasks (X.0 GB) is bigger than spark.driver.maxResultSize (X.0 GB) Cause This error occurs because the configured size limit was exceeded. The size limit applies to the total serialized ...
0 min reading timeCluster-scoped init script to Unity Catalog volume migration notebook
On Dec 1, 2023, Databricks will discontinue support of Cluster-scoped init scripts stored as Databricks File System (DBFS) files. Unity Catalog customers should migrate cluster-scoped init scripts stored as DBFS files into Unity Catalog volumes as soon as possible. Databricks Engineering has created a notebook to help automate the migration process,...
4 min reading timeHow to list and delete files faster in Databricks
Scenario Suppose you need to delete a table that is partitioned by year, month, date, region, and service. However, the table is huge, and there will be around 1000 part files per partition. You can list all the files in each partition and then delete them using an Apache Spark job. For example, suppose you have a table that is partitioned by a, b, ...
3 min reading timeAssign a single public IP for VNet-injected workspaces using Azure Firewall
You can use an Azure Firewall to create a VNet-injected workspace in which all clusters have a single IP outbound address. The single IP address can be used as an additional security layer with other Azure services and applications that allow access based on specific IP addresses. 1. Set up an Azure Databricks Workspace in your own virtual network. ...
1 min reading timeRendering an R markdown file containing sparklyr code fails
Problem After you install and configure RStudio in the Databricks environment, when you launch RStudio and click the Knit button to knit a Markdown file that contains code to initialize a sparklyr context, rendering fails with the following error: failed to start sparklyr backend:object 'DATABRICKS_GUID' not found Calls: <Anonymous>… tryCatch ...
0 min reading timeSet executor log level
Warning This article describes steps related to customer use of Log4j 1.x within a Databricks cluster. Log4j 1.x is no longer maintained and has three known CVEs (CVE-2021-4104, CVE-2020-9488, and CVE-2019-17571). If your code uses one of the affected classes (JMSAppender or SocketServer), your use may potentially be impacted by these vulnerabilitie...
0 min reading timeNull column values display as NaN
Problem You have a table with null values in some columns. When you query the table using a select statement in Databricks, the null values appear as null. When you query the table using the same select statement in Databricks SQL, the null values appear as NaN. %sql select * from default.<table-name> where <column-name> is null Databric...
0 min reading timeHow to specify skew hints in dataset and DataFrame-based join commands
When you perform a join command with DataFrame or Dataset objects, if you find that the query is stuck on finishing a small number of tasks due to data skew, you can specify the skew hint with the hint("skew") method: df.hint("skew"). The skew join optimization (AWS | Azure | GCP) is performed on the DataFrame for which you specify the skew hint. In...
0 min reading timeHow to improve performance with bucketing
Bucketing is an optimization technique in Apache Spark SQL. Data is allocated among a specified number of buckets, according to values derived from one or more bucketing columns. Bucketing improves performance by shuffling and sorting data prior to downstream operations such as table joins. The tradeoff is the initial overhead due to shuffling and s...
0 min reading timeTable creation fails with security exception
Problem You attempt to create a table using a cluster that has Table ACLs enabled, but the following error occurs: Error in SQL statement: SecurityException: User does not have permission SELECT on any file. Cause This error occurs on a Table ACL-enabled cluster if you are not an administrator and you do not have sufficient privileges to create a ta...
1 min reading timeData too long for column error
Problem You are trying to insert a struct into a table, but you get a java.sql.SQLException: Data too long for column error. Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Data too long for column 'TYPE_NAME' at row 1 Query is: INSERT INTO COLUMNS_V2 (CD_ID,COMMENT,`COLUMN_NAME`,TYPE_NAME,INTEGER_IDX) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) , parameters [103182,<null>,'address...
1 min reading timeHow to persist and share code in RStudio
Problem Unlike a Databricks notebook that has version control built in, code developed in RStudio is lost when the high concurrency cluster hosting Rstudio is shut down. Solution To persist and share code in RStudio, do one of the following: From RStudio, save the code to a folder on DBFS which is accessible from both Databricks notebooks and RStudi...
0 min reading timeUnable to mount Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 account
Problem When you try to mount an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen1 account on Databricks, it fails with the error: Error creating directory / Error fetching access token Operation null failed with exception : Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL:
0 min reading timeABFS client hangs if incorrect client ID or wrong path used
Problem You are using Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2. When you try to access an Azure Blob File System (ABFS) path from a Databricks cluster, the command hangs. Enable the debug log and you can see the following stack trace in the driver logs: Caused by: Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: https://login.microso...
1 min reading timeFailed to expand the EBS volume
Problem Databricks jobs fail, due to a lack of space on the disk, even though storage auto-scaling is enabled. When you review the cluster event log, you see a message stating that the instance failed to expand disk due to an authorization error. Instance i-xxxxxxxxx failed to expand disk because: You are not authorized to perform this operation. En...
0 min reading timeHow to Sort S3 files By Modification Time in Databricks Notebooks
Problem When you use the dbutils utility to list the files in a S3 location, the S3 files list in random order. However, dbutils doesn’t provide any method to sort the files based on their modification time. dbutils doesn’t list a modification time either. Solution Use the Hadoop filesystem API to sort the S3 files, as shown here: %scala import org....
0 min reading timeWorkspace is not UC enabled
Problem: Users are experiencing errors while running notebooks in different workspaces Solution: To resolve this issue, follow these steps:1. Check if the issue occurs on clusters where data_security_mode is set as 'SINGLE_USER'. If the workspace is not UC enabled, 'data_security_mode' should be 'LEGACY_SINGLE_USER_STANDARD'.2. Verify the JSON for t...
0 min reading timeShorten cluster provisioning time by using Docker containers
Problem: You are running model predictions on scheduled jobs. However, every time you make a small change to your model package, it requires re-installation on the cluster, which slows down the provisioning process. Solution: To shorten cluster provisioning time, you can leverage Docker container services. Create a golden container environment with...
0 min reading timeHow to analyze user interface performance issues
Problem The Databricks user interface seems to be running slowly. Cause User interface performance issues typically occur due to network latency or a database query taking more time than expected. In order to troubleshoot this type of problem, you need to collect network logs and analyze them to see which network traffic is affected. In most cases, ...
1 min reading timeTroubleshooting Amazon Redshift connection problems
Problem You created a VPC peering connection and configured an Amazon Redshift cluster in the peer network. When you attempt to access the Redshift cluster, you get the following error: Error message: OperationalError: could not connect to server: Connection timed out Cause This problem can occur if: VPC peering is misconfigured. The corresponding p...
2 min reading timeVcpuLimitExceeded error when creating a GPU ML cluster
Problem: You are trying to create a GPU ML cluster when you get a VcpuLimitExceeded error message. The error message says the requested vCPU capacity exceeds the current vCPU limit of 0 for the instance bucket that the specified instance type belongs to. Solution: Check with your AWS team and AWS support team to understand why the VcpuLimitExceede...
0 min reading timeTask deserialization time is high
Problem Your tasks are running slower than expected. You review the stage details in the Spark UI on your cluster and see that task deserialization time is high. Cause Cluster-installed libraries (AWS | Azure | GCP) are only installed on the driver when the cluster is started. These libraries are only installed on the executors when the first tasks ...
0 min reading timeUse a cluster policy to disable Photon
Problem: You want to use a cluster policy to prevent users from creating clusters with Photon enabled. Solution: Use the runtime_engine parameter in a cluster policy to prevent users from creating clusters with Photon enabled. Example code: { "runtime_engine": { "type": "blocklist", "values": [ "PHOTON" ] } } ...
0 min reading timeLog delivery feature not generating log4j logs for executor folders
Problem: When using the log delivery feature to ship job/cluster logs to an S3 bucket, the driver folder has a log4j log file but none of the executor folders have it. Solution: There is no issue with the log delivery feature. It is designed to generate a log4j log file only for the driver folder and not for the executor folders. This behavior is ...
0 min reading timeCluster cancels Python command execution after installing Bokeh
Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Inspect the driver log (std.err) in the Cluster Configuration page for a stack trace and error message similar to the following: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.databricks.conf.trusted.ProjectConf$). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN S...
1 min reading timeCannot use IAM roles with table ACL
Problem You want to use IAM roles when table ACLs are enabled, but you get an error saying credentials cannot be located. NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials Cause When a table ACL is enabled, access to the EC2 instance metadata service is blocked. This is a security measure that prevents users from obtaining IAM access credentials. Sol...
0 min reading timeEnable OpenJSSE and TLS 1.3
Queries and transformations are encrypted before being send to your clusters. By default, the data exchanged between worker nodes in a cluster is not encrypted. If you require that data is encrypted at all times, you can encrypt traffic between cluster worker nodes using AES 128 over a TLS 1.2 connection. In some cases, you may want to use TLS 1.3 i...
0 min reading timeCluster fails to start with InvalidGroup.NotFound error
Problem: Your cluster fails to start with an error: InvalidGroup.NotFound. The security group 'sg-XYZ' does not exist in VPC 'vpc-XYZ' Cause: The network security group policy is not correctly configured. Solution: Contact your network engineering team to verify the security group policy is correctly associated with the Databricks workspace VPC. E...
0 min reading timeMigration guidance for init scripts on DBFS
This article provides migration guidance for init scripts on DBFS. Detect End-of-Life init scripts You can detect all init scripts stored on DBFS in your workspace by running the DBFS init script detection notebook. After you have identified any init scripts on DBFS, you should migrate them to supported storage. Migrate End-of-Life init scripts: The...
1 min reading timeHow to populate or update columns in an existing Delta table
Problem You have an existing Delta table, with a few empty columns. You need to populate or update those columns with data from a raw Parquet file. Solution In this example, there is a customers table, which is an existing Delta table. It has an address column with missing values. The updated data exists in Parquet format. Create a DataFrame from th...
0 min reading timeHow to speed up cross-validation
Hyperparameter tuning of Apache SparkML models takes a very long time, depending on the size of the parameter grid. You can improve the performance of the cross-validation step in SparkML to speed things up: Cache the data before running any feature transformations or modeling steps, including cross-validation. Processes that refer to the data multi...
0 min reading timeFitting an Apache SparkML model throws error
Problem Databricks throws an error when fitting a SparkML model or Pipeline: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 162.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.3 in stage 162.0 (TID 168,, executor 1): org.apache.spark.SparkException: Failed to execute user defined function($anonfu...
0 min reading timeCommon errors in notebooks
There are some common issues that occur when using notebooks. This section outlines some of the frequently asked questions and best practices that you should follow. Spark job fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Sometimes you may come across an error like: %scala java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class line.....$read$ This c...
0 min reading timeRedshift JDBC driver conflict issue
Problem If you attach multiple Redshift JDBC drivers to a cluster, and use the Redshift connector, the notebook REPL might hang or crash with a SQLDriverWrapper error message. 19/11/14 01:01:44 ERROR SQLDriverWrapper: Fatal non-user error thrown in ReplId-9d455-9b970-b2042 java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: PG_SUBPROTOCOL_NAMES at
0 min reading time