Cannot delete Unity Catalog metastore using Terraform
Problem You cannot delete the Unity Catalog metastore using Terraform. Cause The default catalog is auto-created with a metastore. As a result, you cannot delete the metastore without first wiping the catalog. Solution Set force_destory = true in the databricks_metastore section of the Terraform configuration to delete the metastore and the correspo...
0 min reading timeCannot access Databricks secrets when using a "No isolation shared" cluster
Problem You are using a using a No isolation shared cluster. When you run dbutils.secrets.get() it returns a 401 Unauthorized error message. Cause Admin protection for No isolation shared clusters is enabled in your account. Solution An account admin has to disable admin protection for No isolation shared clusters. Log in to the Account Console. Cli...
0 min reading timeFind your workspace ID
Everything you do in Databricks occurs within a workspace. When you use the web UI you are interacting with clusters and notebooks in the workspace. When you run automated jobs or connect to your workspace outside of the web UI you may need to know your workspace ID. This article covers two different ways to easily find your workspace ID. Instructio...
0 min reading timeUser does not have permission SELECT on ANY File
Problem You are trying to create an external hive table, but keep getting a User does not have permission SELECT on any file error message. java.lang.SecurityException: User does not have permission SELECT on any file. Table access control (AWS | Azure | GCP) is enabled your cluster and you are not an admin. Cause The Databricks SQL query analyzer e...
0 min reading timeConnection retries take a long time to fail
Problem You are trying to access a table on a remote HDFS location or an object store that you do not have permission to access. The SELECT command should fail, and it does, but it does not fail quickly. It can take up to ten minutes, sometimes more, to return a ConnectTimeoutException error message. The error message they eventually receive is : " ...
0 min reading time"Unable to update Group Push mapping target" error when syncing Okta groups to workspace
Problem You enable identity federation (AWS | Azure) on your Databricks workspace. You are trying to push Okta groups to your workspace via SCIM, but get an Unable to update Group Push mapping target error. Failed on 07-13-2022 07:10:58PM UTC: Unable to update Group Push mapping target App group databricks_prod_admins: Error while creating user grou...
0 min reading time