Updated July 27th, 2024 by Cedric Law

Failed credential validation checks error with Terraform

Problem You are using Terraform to deploy a workspace in AWS and you get a Failed credential validation checks error message. │ Error: MALFORMED_REQUEST: Failed credential validation checks: please use a valid cross account IAM role with permissions setup correctly │ │   with databricks_mws_credentials.this, │   on cross-account-role.tf line 29, in ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Cedric Law

Deployment name prefix not defined in Terraform

Problem You are using Terraform to deploy a workspace in AWS and you get a Deployment name cannot be used until a deployment name prefix is defined. error message. │ Error: MALFORMED_REQUEST: Failed parameter validation checks: Deployment name cannot be used until a deployment name prefix is defined. Please contact your Databricks representative │ │...

0 min reading time
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