Cannot see how to change the owner of a DLT pipeline in the Databricks UI

Ask a user with both metastore and workspace admin privileges to change the owner in the UI.

Written by david.vega

Last published at: February 26th, 2025


You are required to change the DLT pipeline owner, but there are no options visible in the UI to complete this task.



The user initiating the ownership change must be both an admin in both the metastore and workspace. If you have only one of these admin privileges (for example, you are a metastore admin but not a workspace admin), you will not be able to see the option to change the owner of the pipeline.



In order to change a DLT pipeline owner, ask a user with both metastore and workspace admin privileges to execute the following steps.


  1. Go to the workspace where this pipeline is located.
  2. At the left side menu, select Workflows > Delta Live Tables
  3. Filer the required pipeline and select it.
  4. Click the ellipsis icon. 
  5. Click the Permissions button in the Pipelines UI to expand the pipeline permissions modal.
  6. Click the X next to the current owner to clear this owner.
  7. Include the new owner as “Is Owner”  in the pipeline permissions modal and click Save.


After saving, all pipeline assets defined in the pipeline will be owned by the new pipeline owner. All future updates will be run using the identity of the new owner.