You are trying to cast a string type column to varchar but it isn’t working.
- Create a simple Delta table, with one column as type string.
%sql CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE delta_table1 (`col1` string) USING DELTA;
- Use SHOW TABLE on the newly created table and it reports a string type.
%sql SHOW CREATE TABLE delta_table1;
- Create a second Delta table, based on the first, and convert the string type column into varchar.
%sql CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE delta_varchar_table1 USING DELTA AS SELECT cast(col1 AS VARCHAR(1000)) FROM delta_table1;
- Use SHOW TABLE on the newly created table and it reports that the table got created, but the column is string type.
%sql SHOW CREATE TABLE delta_varchar_table1;
The varchar type can only be used in table schema. It cannot be used in functions or operators.
Please review the Spark supported data types documentation for more information.
- You cannot cast string to varchar, but you can create a varchar Delta table.
%sql CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE delta_varchar_table2 (`col1` VARCHAR(1000)) USING DELTA;
- Use SHOW TABLE on the newly created table and it reports a varchartype.
%sql SHOW CREATE TABLE delta_varchar_table2;
- You can now create another varchar Delta table, based on the first, and it keeps the varchartype.
%sql CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE delta_varchar_table3 USING DELTA AS SELECT * FROM delta_varchar_table2;
- Use SHOW TABLE on the newly created table and it reports a varchartype.
%sql SHOW CREATE TABLE delta_varchar_table3;