You are trying to use the GeoSpark function st_geofromwkt with DBConnect (AWS | Azure | GCP) and you get an Apache Spark error message.
Error: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Undefined function: 'st_geomfromwkt'. This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'.;
This example code fails with the error when used with DBConnect.
%scala val sc = spark.sparkContext sc.setLogLevel("DEBUG") val sqlContext = spark.sqlContext spark.sparkContext.addJar("~/jars/geospark-sql_2.3-1.2.0.jar") spark.sparkContext.addJar("~/jars/geospark-1.2.0.jar") GeoSparkSQLRegistrator.registerAll(sqlContext) println(spark.sessionState.functionRegistry.listFunction) spark.sql("select ST_GeomFromWKT(area) AS geometry from polygon").show()
DBConnect does not support auto-sync of client side UDFs to the server.
You can use a custom utility jar with code that registers the UDF on the cluster using the SparkSessionExtensions class.
- Create a utility jar that registers GeoSpark functions using SparkSessionExtensions. This utility class definition can be built into a utility jar.
%scala package com.databricks.spark.utils import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSessionExtensions import org.datasyslab.geosparksql.utils.GeoSparkSQLRegistrator class GeoSparkUdfExtension extends (SparkSessionExtensions => Unit) { def apply(e: SparkSessionExtensions): Unit = { e.injectCheckRule(spark => { println("INJECTING UDF") GeoSparkSQLRegistrator.registerAll(spark) _ => Unit }) } }
- Copy the GeoSpark jars and your utility jar to DBFS at dbfs:/databricks/geospark-extension-jars/.
- Create an init script ( that copies the jars from the DBFS location to the Spark class path and sets the spark.sql.extensions to the utility class.
%scala dbutils.fs.put( "dbfs:/databricks/<init-script-folder>/", """#!/bin/sh |sleep 10s |# Copy the extension and GeoSpark dependency jars to /databricks/jars. |cp -v /dbfs/databricks/geospark-extension-jars/{spark_geospark_extension_2_11_0_1.jar,geospark_sql_2_3_1_2_0.jar,geospark_1_2_0.jar} /databricks/jars/ |# Set the extension. |cat << 'EOF' > /databricks/driver/conf/00-custom-spark.conf |[driver] { | "spark.sql.extensions" = "com.databricks.spark.utils.GeoSparkUdfExtension" |} |EOF |""".stripMargin, overwrite = true )
- Install the init script as a cluster-scoped init script (AWS | Azure | GCP). You will need the full path to the location of the script (dbfs:/databricks/<init-script-folder>/
- Reboot your cluster.
- You can now use GeoSpark code with DBConnect.