Error when attempting to install torch for R package

Install the required dependencies before installing torch for R.

Written by jairo.prado

Last published at: March 19th, 2025


When attempting to install the package torch for R in compute using Databricks Runtime 16.1 ML, you encounter an error indicating certain dependencies are missing.  

ERROR: dependencies ‘coro’, ‘safetensors’ are not available for package ‘torch’ * removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/torch’



Not all libraries required by a package are installed by default. 



Use the following code to install the required dependencies before installing torch for R.  

# Download the file using wget and save it to /tmp
wget -O /tmp/torch_0.13.0.9001.tar.gz ""

install.packages(c("coro", "safetensors"))

install.packages("/tmp/torch_0.13.0.9001.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
