SparkException error when trying to use an Apache Spark UDF to create and dynamically pass a prompt to the ai_query() function

Use Unity Catalog (UC) UDFs instead of Spark UDFs.

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Last published at: January 30th, 2025


When using a legacy Apache Spark user-defined function (UDF) to create a complex prompt and pass it dynamically to the ai_query() function, you receive an error. However, if you don’t use the UDF, the ai_query() function works. 


Example prompt

In the following code, legacy spark udf create_prompt_udf() and python udf ai_query() are called on the same transformation. 


result_df = df.withColumn(


Error message

org.apache.spark.SparkException: [INTERNAL_ERROR] Expected udfs have the same evalType but got different evalTypes: 100,400 SQLSTATE: XX000



Legacy Spark UDFs and ai_query() UDFs have different processing which creates the error.  


Legacy Spark UDFs have evalTypes: 100 which is itself a Spark UDF where data is processed row by row. The ai_query() UDF has evalTypes: 400 which is a Python function that triggers a Python runner internally and uses batch processing.



Use Unity Catalog (UC) UDFs instead of legacy Spark UDFs. UC UDFs are designed to be compatible with Spark functions like ai_query(). UC UDFs can handle the same batch processing method as the ai_query() UDF, ensuring that there is no conflict in the evaluation types.


For more information, refer to the User-defined functions (UDFs) in Unity Catalog (AWSAzureGCP) documentation.