Unable to import from DBC file: INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE error

You must set "direct_download": "true" when exporting via the API.

Written by kevin.salas

Last published at: March 22nd, 2025


You previously exported a DBC file using the Databricks REST API (AWSAzureGCP). When you try to import that same DBC file into your Databricks workspace you get an invalid parameter value error message.

INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE: The dbc file may not be valid or may be an unsupported version.


This can occur when using either the DBC or Auto format for when importing and exporting files or notebooks.




You are missing the direct_download parameter when using the API to export. By default, the export API returns a JSON object with base64-encoded content. This is not valid for DBC files. When the direct_download parameter is set to true, the API call returns the raw DBC file, without encoding it.



You should always use "direct_download": "true" when exporting files or notebooks via the API.


Example code

curl -X POST \
  https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/workspace/export \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "path": "<path-to-your-notebook-or-directory>",
    "format": "AUTO",
    "direct_download": "true"


Re-export the DBC file using the updated API call.

Import the newly exported DBC file to verify it is working correctly.


To avoid similar issues in the future, always ensure the direct_download parameter is set to true when exporting files using the API.