Unable to use fields with qualifiers in the DLT Apply Changes API

Ensure that qualifiers are extracted prior to reference in the Apply Changes definition.

Written by brock.baurer

Last published at: March 19th, 2025


Delta Live Tables (DLT) provides an APPLY CHANGES API that helps simplify change data capture (CDC) use cases. When you try to reference a field with a qualifier (this may also be referred to as a 'nested field') using DLT APPLY CHANGES API arguments such as keys or sequence_by, you encounter an AnalysisException.



  target = "<target-table>",
  source = "<data-source>",
  keys = ["<key1>.<key2>"],
AnalysisException: The Column value must be a column identifier without any qualifier.



Using a qualifier such as key1.key2 is not supported with required fields such as keys and sequence_by.



Add a view with @dlt.view to extract the desired columns using a Spark API such as select, or withColumn[s] prior to referencing them in APPLY CHANGES



In this simplified example, dlt_source is conceptually like the Bronze layer. Next, dlt_view is a logical layer on top of Bronze to help facilitate further processing with the APPLY CHANGES API. Last, dlt_target is the Silver layer of the medallion architecture.



def dlt_source_view():
  return (
        {"<key2>": "<key1>.<key2>"}

  target = "dlt_target",
  source = "dlt_source_view",
  keys = ["<key2>"],
  sequence_by = "col1",
  stored_as_scd_type = 1


For more information on DLT views, refer to the DLT Python language reference (AWSAzureGCP) documentation.