Running queries using Hive Federation connection throwing SparkException error

Disable ACL to update the S3 bucket owner permission type.

Written by alberto.umana

Last published at: January 30th, 2025


When you try to run queries on tables from a catalog using a Hive Federation connection, you receive an error. 


SparkException: Exception thrown in awaitResult: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: s3a://test-us-east-2/user/hive/warehouse/log.db/logs/_delta_log/00000000000000000000.json: open s3a://test-us-east-2/user/hive/warehouse/log.db/logs/_delta_log/00000000000000000000.json at 0 on s3a://test-us-east-2/user/hive/warehouse/log.db/logs/
File <command-431391062372215>, line 1
----> 1 get_ipython().run_cell_magic('sql', '', 'select * from catalog.schema.logs\n')

File /databricks/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyspark/sql/connect/client/, in SparkConnectClient._handle_rpc_error(self, rpc_error)
   1985     info = error_details_pb2.ErrorInfo()
   1986     d.Unpack(info)
-> 1988     raise convert_exception(
   1989         info,
   1990         status.message,
   1991         self._fetch_enriched_error(info),
   1992         self._display_server_stack_trace(),
   1993     ) from None
   1995 raise SparkConnectGrpcException(status.message) from None



Your S3 bucket has ACLs enabled with Object Ownership set to Object writer on the bucket. Unity Catalog credentials cannot be used to access the bucket when Object Ownership is set to Object writer. 


You may also have incorrect S3 permissions set for the S3 bucket or the IAM role associated with the bucket. 



First verify your IAM role has the required permissions. For details refer to the Create a storage credential for connecting to AWS S3 documentation. 


Then, disable your S3 bucket’s ACL to change Object Ownership to the default Bucket owner enforced. Unity Catalog external locations need AWS Object Ownership set to Bucket owner enforced to properly enforce its own ACLs without relying on S3 bucket ACLs.


For details regarding existing buckets, refer to the Setting Object Ownership on an existing bucket documentation. 


For details regarding new buckets, refer to the Disabling ACLs for all new buckets and enforcing Object Ownership documentation.