Disable cluster-scoped init scripts on DBFS

Set a cluster policy to prevent users from creating clusters that load cluster-scoped init scripts from DBFS.

Written by Adam Pavlacka

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

On May 2, 2023 Databricks announced that cluster-scoped init scripts stored on DBFS are deprecated. Cluster-scoped init scripts should be stored as workplace files.

You can prevent users from launching clusters using cluster-scoped init scripts stored on DBFS by setting a cluster policy.



You must be a Databricks admin to apply cluster policies.


1. Follow the documentation to Create a cluster policy (AWS | Azure | GCP).

2. Add the following to the cluster policy:

"init_scripts.*.dbfs.destination": {
   "type": "forbidden"

3. Apply the policy to all users.

After the policy has been applied, users will no longer be able to create clusters that use init scripts loaded from DBFS.

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