Apache Spark UI shows less than total node memory

Learn what to do when the Spark UI shows less memory than is actually available on the node.

Written by Adam Pavlacka

Last published at: July 22nd, 2022


The Executors tab in the Spark UI shows less memory than is actually available on the node:


  • An m4.xlarge instance (16 GB ram, 4 core) for the driver node, shows 4.5 GB memory on the Executors tab.
  • An m4.large instance (8 GB ram, 2 core) for the driver node, shows 710 MB memory on the Executors tab:


  • An F8s instance (16 GB, 4 core) for the driver node, shows 4.5 GB of memory on the Executors tab.
  • An F4s instance (8 GB, 4 core) for the driver node, shows 710 MB of memory on the Executors tab:


The total amount of memory shown is less than the memory on the cluster because some memory is occupied by the kernel and node-level services.


To calculate the available amount of memory, you can use the formula used for executor memory allocation (all_memory_size * 0.97 - 4800MB) * 0.8, where:

  • 0.97 accounts for kernel overhead.
  • 4800 MB accounts for internal node-level services (node daemon, log daemon, and so on).
  • 0.8 is a heuristic to ensure the LXC container running the Spark process doesn’t crash due to out-of-memory errors.

Total available memory for storage on an instance is (8192MB * 0.97 - 4800MB) * 0.8 - 1024 = 1.2 GB. Because the parameter spark.memory.fraction is by default 0.6, approximately (1.2 * 0.6) = ~710 MB is available for storage.

You can change the spark.memory.fraction Spark configuration (AWS | Azure) to adjust this parameter. Calculate the available memory for a new parameter as follows:

  • If you use an instance, which has 8192 MB memory, it has available memory 1.2 GB.
  • If you specify a spark.memory.fraction of 0.8, the Executors tab in the Spark UI should show: (1.2 * 0.8) GB = ~960 MB.
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