Databricks SQL ANSI enablement guide

Learn how to enable ANSI SQL for your existing Databricks workloads.

Written by Adam Pavlacka

Last published at: December 6th, 2024


This document facilitates enabling ANSI for your existing Databricks workloads. It enumerates behavior changes and explains how to detect and mitigate unintended effects. 

Enabling ANSI mode has the following benefits: 

  • Aligns SQL on Databricks with the ANSI SQL Standard, making your SQL code and SQL skills more transferable
  • Acts as a safety net for your application, shielding it from unexpected and sometimes incorrect results.

When you enable ANSI mode, most computations run the same. Some unsafe operations will error out, but you can use the descriptive error messages and this guide to update your code.


ANSI mode strengthens and clarifies the behavior for operators, functions, and explicit and implicit type conversions.

You can enable ANSI mode by setting spark.sql.ansi.enabled to true.

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.ansi.enabled", "true")

Enabling ANSI mode causes the following behavior changes: 

Domain overflows

An arithmetic overflow occurs when an operation produces a result that exceeds the storage capacity of the data type used to hold the result. 

Behavior with ANSI mode enabled

An error is thrown and the SQL statement does not run. 

Behavior without ANSI mode enabled

Results in one of the following outcomes: 

  • Incorrect values and results caused by domain wrapping. Because the value exceeds the maximum limit of its data type, it wraps around to the lowest possible value. This is common in some programming languages but can produce incorrect results in data processing systems. 
    • Example: For an 8-bit signed integer (TINYINT), the range is from -128 to 127:
      • If you add 1 to 127, instead of generating an error, the value wraps around to -128.
      • Similarly, subtracting 1 from -128 would wrap around to 127.
  • Returns NULL. This behavior can result in undercounting values, especially when aggregated. 
    • Example: The largest or smallest value cannot be more than 38 digits for DECIMAL arithmetic. If you add 1 to 99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.0 the result is NULL

For each affected operator and many affected functions, Databricks provides TRY functions that return NULL instead of errors for cases where you prefer incomplete data to a failing query. TRY functions never return wrapped values. 

Division by zero

Zero has been passed into a division operation as the divisor. 

Behavior with ANSI mode enabled

Databricks returns an error when encountering a division-by-zero during an arithmetic operation. Note that division-by-zero can occur in other functions besides the division operator, such as the mod function.

Behavior without ANSI mode enabled

Division-by-zero returns NULL. To preserve this behavior in select cases, use the respective TRY function. For example, the try_divide function might work well for this case.

Out of bound array index

Behavior with ANSI mode enabled 

The indexing into an array operation returns an error if the index is negative or beyond the last element in the array.

Behavior without ANSI mode enabled

Both situations return NULL. To return NULL in ANSI mode, you can use get function instead of brackets ([ ]).

Explicit casting 

Behavior with ANSI mode enabled 

The casting operation returns an error if attempted between incompatible types. Additionally, out-of-domain data is no longer implicitly tolerated, meaning that operations with such data will result in errors rather than being adjusted silently.

Protects against:

  • Invalid Input: Passing a non-numeric string to a cast from STRING to a numeric fails.
  • Overflow: Passing a large integer string to a cast from STRING to BYTE.
  • Numeric truncation: Passing a non-integral numeric string to a cast from STRING to INTEGER.

To return NULL instead of an error for invalid input, overflow, or numeric truncation, you can use the try_cast expression.

Behavior without ANSI mode enabled

Cast operations between BOOLEAN and DATE or TIMESTAMP are permitted. Casting from integral numerics (BYTE, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT) to BINARY is also allowed.


  • The BOOLEAN conversions are considered user errors, given that no conceivable semantics exist. Blocking them improves productivity.
  • Integer to binary conversion is semantically dangerous. The result depends on the hardware representation of those base types.

Implicit type conversion

Implicit type conversion is aligning different datatypes to operate or deriving a single result type when combining types.

Behavior with ANSI mode enabled

In ANSI mode, rules are more strictly enforced, protecting you from unexpected behavior.

  • When using a STRING type with any arithmetic expression, the string will only be cast to DOUBLE if the numeric type is a DECIMAL, FLOAT, or DOUBLE. Otherwise, it will be BIGINT.
  • The previous rule applies to comparison operations. Overflow errors are raised where appropriate while defaulting to the type with the largest domain (BIGINT or DOUBLE). 
  • When deriving the least common type amongst a set of types, which includes STRINGs, the STRINGs will be cast to the most general type of the other type family instead of casting all other operands to STRING. This protects subsequent sort orders and comparison operations.

Behavior without ANSI mode enabled

  • STRINGs are cast to the exact numeric type of the other operand. This can result in silent overflows, truncation, and, therefore, incorrect results.

Detection and mitigation

In most cases, switching from non-ANSI to ANSI mode will result in few, if any, observable differences. In this section, we discuss what to do when encountering differences based on the following observations.

If you do encounter any of the below error conditions, we strongly encourage you to carefully review the relevant operations and input data to determine if a more systematic fix is needed to ensure that downstream operations are acting on correct data. For example, if you encounter a DIVIDE_BY_ZERO error, it may mean you would be better off filtering out zeros from your input data rather than just doing the mechanical try_divide function fix.

Error conditions

Most frequently, you will see error conditions where there were none before. The following list identifies the error type and message, explains the error, and provides suggestions to resolve the error where possible. 


[DIVIDE_BY_ZERO] Division by zero. Use try_divide to tolerate the divisor being 0 and return NULL instead. SQLSTATE: 22012

Problem: The data contained a 0, fed as the divisor to a division operation. The error message displays the operation in question. That might not be a top-level division. A modulo operation, for example, can result in this error.

Suggested resolutions:

  • To fix the error mechanically, replace the operator or function with the proposed try_ function. For example, the try_divide function.
  • Investigate whether the logic or the data has a flaw and 0s need to be cleaned or specially processed.



Problem: The string value provided to the to_dateto_timestampunix_timestamp, or to_unix_timestamp is not a valid datetime value or does not align with the provided format string.


  • Parsing a February 29 for a non-leap year in to_timestamp
  • Parsing 2020-01-27T20:06:11.847 using the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS format. Note the extra T which is not part of the expected format.

Suggested resolution:

  • Clean the input value or adjust the format string
  • If you decide the function should silently fail by producing a NULL, replace it with its matching try function. For example, replace to_timestamp with try_to_timestamp.


[CAST_OVERFLOW] The value <value> of the type <sourceType> cannot be cast to <targetType> due to an overflow. Use try_cast to tolerate overflow and return NULL instead. SQLSTATE: 22003

Problem: The value that needs to be cast is outside of the domain supported by the target type.


  • Casing the BIGINT value 2147483648 to INT results in an overflow.

Suggested resolution:

  • If you believe the value should be handled, inject an explicit cast to an appropriate type. For example: CAST(...   AS BIGINT).
  • If you decide this cast should silently fail by producing a NULL, inject a
    try_cast(.. AS <targetType>).


[ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW] <message>.<alternative> SQLSTATE: 22003

Problem: The source data needs to be cleaned, or you must widen the type domain.


  • Adding one to max integer: 2147483647 + 1

Suggested resolutions:

  • Cast at least one of the operands to a sufficiently large type. For example, cast(2147483647 AS BIGINT) + 1.
  • Use the operator's try_ version to tolerate the overflow as a NULL.
    Other examples include the *+, and - operator, which can be replaced with try_multiply, try_add, and try_subtract, respectively.


[INVALID_FRACTION_OF_SECOND] The fraction of sec must be zero. Valid range is [0, 60]. SQLSTATE: 22023

Problem: The second value is greater than 60 (and less than 61) The make_timestamp  function returns this error. 

Suggested resolution: Use the following example to revert to non-ANSI mode behavior. 

make_timestamp(<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <second>, <timezone>) ==
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> || ‘ ‘ || 
         <hour> || ‘:’ || <minute> || ‘:’ || <second> || ‘ ’ || <timezone>
         As timestamp)


[NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE] <value> cannot be represented as Decimal(<precision>, <scale>). SQLSTATE: 22003

Problem: The numeric value cannot be represented as a DECIMAL of the given precision and scale.

Example: Casting the value 170 to a DECIMAL(2, 0) fails because 170 has three digits.

Suggested resolution:

  • Increase the precision of the target type to ensure the value is within the supported range.
  • If you decide this cast should silently fail by producing a NULL, inject a
    try_cast(.. AS DECIMAL(<precision>, <scale>).


[CAST_INVALID_INPUT] The value <value> of the type <sourceType> cannot be cast to <targetType> because it is malformed. Correct the value as per the syntax, or change its target type. Use try_cast to tolerate malformed input and return NULL instead. SQLSTATE: 22018

Problem: Although the source type can generally be cast to the target type, this specific value cannot be safely cast. The source type is often a STRING.


  • Truncation: Casting the STRING 10.1 to BIGINT would result in a loss of 0.1.
  • Overflow: Casting the STRING 128 to BYTE results in an overflow.
  • Invalid characters: Casting the STRING 128- to BIGINT is invalid. It is unclear what the meaning of a trailing dash is.
  • Invalid strings for dates or timestamps: Casting 2015-04-31 to a DATE or TIMESTAMP fails because April only has 30 days.

Suggested resolutions:

  • If the value is truncated, do one of the following:
    • If you believe the value should be handled, inject an explicit cast to an appropriate type. For example: CAST(...   AS DOUBLE).
    • If you conclude that the value should be truncated, inject an explicit cast to a type handling the domain and then to the desired final type.
      For example: CAST(CAST(... AS DOUBLE) AS BIGINT).
      The second deliberate cast from DOUBLE to BIGINT will direct Databricks to truncate.
    • If you decide this cast should silently fail by producing a NULL, inject a
      try_cast(.. AS <targetType>).
    • You may conclude that the data or SQL is wrong, so you need to clean the data or correct the SQL expression.
  • If casting the value results in an overflow, do one of the following:
    • If you believe the value should be handled, inject an explicit cast to an appropriate type. For example: CAST(...   AS DOUBLE).
    • If you decide this cast should silently fail by producing a NULL, inject a
      try_cast(.. AS <targetType>).
    • You may conclude that the data or SQL is wrong, so you need to clean the data or correct the SQL expression.
  • If the value contains invalid characters:
    • This error is most likely caused by STRING not being the least common type anymore due to a UNION, CASE, COALESCE, or IN. These operations require that all values involved be cast to a common data type.
    • To fix it, explicitly convert the non-string values to STRING. For example, COALESCE(‘128-’, CAST(1 AS STRING)).
  • If the value contains invalid strings for dates or timestamps, do one of the following:
    • If you decide this cast should silently fail by producing a NULL, inject a
      try_cast(.. AS <targetType>).
    • If you conclude that the data or SQL is wrong, clean the data or correct the SQL expression.


[BINARY_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW] <value1> <symbol> <value2> caused overflow. SQLSTATE: 22003

Problem: The source data needs to be cleaned, or you must widen the type domain.

Suggested resolutions:

  • Cast at least one of the operands to a sufficiently large type. For example, sum(cast(<intArg> AS BIGINT).
  • Use the operator's try_ version to tolerate the overflow as a NULL.
    For example, an overflowing sum function can be replaced with a try_sum function.
    Other examples include the *+, and - operator, which can be replaced with try_multiply, try_add, and try_subtract, respectively. 


Databricks does not provide a means to preserve the overflow behavior.



[INVALID_ARRAY_INDEX] The index <idx> is out of bounds. The array has <numElem> elements. Use the SQL function get() to tolerate accessing elements at invalid index and return NULL instead. SQLSTATE: 22003

Problem: Before enabling ANSI mode, statements that index into an array return NULL when indices are too large or negative. 

Suggested resolutions

  • Use get(<arrayExpr>, <idx>) to replicate the original behavior.
  • Especially when the index is negative, you should investigate the cause, as it may indicate a logic error in your SQL.


The elt function can also return this error. You can rewrite elt(<idx>, <expressions>) to try_element_at(array(<expressions>), <idx>) to tolerate out of bounds indices.

Note that get and [] are 0 based, while eltelement_at and try_elemet_at are 1-based.



[INVALID_ARRAY_INDEX_IN_ELEMENT_AT] The index <idx> is out of bounds. The array has  <numElem> elements. Use try_element_at to tolerate accessing element at invalid index and return NULL instead. SQLSTATE: 22003

Problem: Before enabling ANSI mode, statements that index into an array return NULL when indices are too large or negative. 

Suggested resolutions:

  • Use try_element_at(<arrayExpr>, <idx>) to replicate the original behavior.
  • Especially when the index is negative, you should investigate the cause, as it may indicate a logic error in your SQL.


[DATATYPE_MISMATCH.CAST_WITH_CONF_SUGGESTION] Cannot resolve "<expr>" due to data type mismatch: cannot cast "<sourceType>" to "<targetType>" with ANSI mode on. SQLSTATE: 42K09

Problem:  A data type mismatch is causing the casting operation to fail. 

Suggested resolutions

  • If casting from an integral numeric, use the unhex(hex(<intExpr>)) expression to convert the integral numeric to a hexadecimal string and then into a BINARY.
  • If you encounter this condition when casting between datetime types and BOOLEAN, investigate the reason and fix the logic, as there is no reasonable semantic on what the result would be.

Invalid value for MonthOfYear (valid values 1 - 12)

Problem: The month value is out of range. The make_date and make_timestamp functions return this error. 

Suggested resolution: Use the following example to revert to non-ANSI mode behavior. 

make_date(<year>, <month>, <day>)
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> as date)

make_timestamp(<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <second>, <timezone>) ==
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> || ‘ ‘ || 
         <hour> || ‘:’ || <minute> || ‘:’ || <second> || ‘ ’ || <timezone>
         As timestamp)

Invalid value for DayOfMonth (valid values 1 - 28/31)

Problem: The day value is out of range. The make_date and make_timestamp functions return this error. 

Suggested resolution: Use the following example to revert to non-ANSI mode behavior. 

make_date(<year>, <month>, <day>)
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> as date)

make_timestamp(<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <second>, <timezone>) ==
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> || ‘ ‘ || 
         <hour> || ‘:’ || <minute> || ‘:’ || <second> || ‘ ’ || <timezone>
         As timestamp)

Invalid value for HourOfDay (valid values 0 - 23)

Problem: The hour value is out of range. The make_date and make_timestamp functions return this error. 

Suggested resolution: Use the following example to revert to non-ANSI mode behavior. 

make_timestamp(<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <second>, <timezone>) ==
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> || ‘ ‘ || 
         <hour> || ‘:’ || <minute> || ‘:’ || <second> || ‘ ’ || <timezone>
         As timestamp)

Invalid value for MinuteOfHour (valid values 0 - 59)

Problem: The month value is out of range. The make_date and make_timestamp functions return this error. 

Suggested resolution: Use the following example to revert to non-ANSI mode behavior. 

make_timestamp(<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <second>, <timezone>) ==
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> || ‘ ‘ || 
         <hour> || ‘:’ || <minute> || ‘:’ || <second> || ‘ ’ || <timezone>
         As timestamp)

Invalid value for SecondOfMinute (valid values 0 - 59)

Problem: The second value is out of range. The make_date and make_timestamp functions return this error. 

Suggested resolution: Use the following example to revert to non-ANSI mode behavior. 

make_timestamp(<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <second>, <timezone>) ==
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> || ‘ ‘ || 
         <hour> || ‘:’ || <minute> || ‘:’ || <second> || ‘ ’ || <timezone>
         As timestamp)

Invalid date 'February 29' as '<year>' is not a leap year

Problem: The day value is out of range. The make_date and make_timestamp functions return this error. 

Suggested resolution: Use the following example to revert to non-ANSI mode behavior. 

make_date(<year>, <month>, <day>)
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> as date)

make_timestamp(<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <second>, <timezone>) ==
try_cast(<year> || ‘-’ || <month> || ‘-’ || <day> || ‘ ‘ || 
         <hour> || ‘:’ || <minute> || ‘:’ || <second> || ‘ ’ || <timezone>
         As timestamp)


[ILLEGAL_DAY_OF_WEEK] Illegal input for day of week: <dayName>. SQLSTATE: 22009

Problem: This error is returned by the next_day function when the requested day is malformed.

Suggested resolution: Use the following example to revert to non-ANSI mode behavior. 

         case when <dayName> in (
         'SU', 'SUN', 'SUNDAY',
         'MO', 'MON', 'MONDAY',
         'TU', 'TUE', 'TUESDAY',
         'WE', 'WED', 'WEDNESDAY',
         'TH', 'THU', 'THURSDAY',
         'FR', 'FRI', 'FRIDAY',
         'SA', 'SAT', 'SATURDAY') THEN <dayname> end)


[INVALID_URL] The url is invalid: <url>. SQLSTATE: 22P02

Problem: This error is the result of an invalid URL string passed to parse_url.

Suggested resolution: To remedy this error, clean the input data.

Behavior changes not returning obvious errors

The following section discusses some functions that change behavior in more subtle ways. 

Size() function

The size function returns the cardinality of an array or map.

Behavior with ANSI mode enabled

The size of a NULL array or NULL map is NULL.

Behavior without ANSI mode enabled

A NULL array or NULL map size is -1.

This function is rare. Search for it in your assets and investigate its usage.

Nested errors

Runtime errors can occur within the body of a view or a SQL UDF that is called from a top-level query. In this case, the error message context will include the fully qualified name of the view or UDF and which kind of object it is.

Retrieve the object's definition using one of the following:  

Then, correct the SQL statement using one of the following commands:

Remember that replacing views and functions does NOT preserve any GRANTs issued on the object.

You must collect existing privileges using SHOW GRANTS and re-issue them with GRANT.