Dropping and recreating Delta tables results in a DeltaVersionsNotContiguousException error

Instead of dropping and recreating Delta tables, use the CREATE OR REPLACE command.

Written by sidhant.sahu

Last published at: March 24th, 2025


This article does NOT apply to managed tables. Managed table operations should always be performed through Unity Catalog. For more information, review the Work with managed tables (AWS | Azure | GCP) documentation.




When working with Delta Lake tables you encounter an error message. 

"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Versions (Vector(0, 3)) are not contiguous" typically occurs when there's a lack of continuity in the Delta log files, which can happen when files have been manually removed or due to S3 eventual consistency when a table is deleted and recreated at the same location.



The Delta table is corrupted. Corrupted tables can occur if you: 

  • Manually remove underlying files from the Delta log.
  • Run rm commands or other non-Delta operations that remove files from the Delta log.
  • Drop and immediately create a table on top of the same location.

When files are manually removed or not removed correctly, the Delta log versions become non-contiguous. 



  1. Use the following Scala code to get the corrupted table storage location. 
val metastore = spark.sharedState.externalCatalog
val location = metastore.getTable("<database-name>", "<table-name>").location


  1. Remove the table base folder.
rm -r /dbfs/<table-storage-location>


  1. Drop the table. 
drop table <table-name>


  1. Use CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE to recreate the table if the underlying location remains the same. For more information, please review the CREATE TABLE [USING] (AWSAzureGCP) documentation.


Alternatively, if you only have append operations (without OPTIMIZE) on your Delta table, retrieve the Delta table without dropping it and convert it. 


  1. Remove the _delta_log folder. Without _delta_log, this will be treated as a parquet table. 
rm -r /dbfs/<corrupt-table-name>/_delta_log


  1. Convert this parquet table to Delta table. The following command will create a fresh _delta_log  folder so the table can be queryable without losing the data.
CONVERT TO DELTA parquet.`<table-path>/` PARTITIONED BY (year string) [if table is partitioned use PARTITIONED BY];


For more information on best practices for dropping Delta Lake tables, please review the Best practices for dropping a managed Delta Lake table knowledge base article.