Error when trying to use RDD code in shared clusters

Use a single-user cluster, which supports RDD functionality.

Written by mounika.tarigopula

Last published at: January 31st, 2025


When trying to use Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) code in a shared cluster, you receive an error.  


Error: Method public org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD is not allowlisted on class class



Databricks Runtime versions with Unity Catalog enabled do not support RDDs on shared clusters.  



Use a single-user cluster instead, which supports RDD functionality.

If you want to continue using a shared cluster, use the DataFrame API instead of the RDD API. For example, you can use spark.createDataFrame to create DataFrames.

For more information on creating DataFrames, refer to the Apache Spark pyspark.sql.SparkSession.createDataFrame documentation.