Error when downloading full results after join

If you have duplicate columns after a join, you will get an error when trying to download the full results.

Written by manjunath.swamy

Last published at: July 27th, 2024


You are working with two tables in a notebook. You perform a join. You can preview the output, but when you try to Download full results you get an error.

Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: Found duplicate column(s) when inserting into dbfs:/databricks-results/

Reproduce error

  1. Create two tables.
    from pyspark.sql.functions import *
    df = spark.range(12000)
    df = df.withColumn("col2",lit("test"))
    df1 = spark.range(5)
  2. Perform left outer join on the tables.
    select * from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 on =
  3. Click Download preview. A CSV file downloads.
  4. Click Download full results. An error is generated.


  • Download preview works because this is a frontend only operation that runs in the browser. No constraints are checked and only 1000 rows are included in the CSV file.
  • Download full results re-executes the query in Apache Spark and writes the CSV file internally. The error occurs when duplicate columns are found after a join operation.


Option 1

If you select all the required columns, and avoid duplicate columns after the join operation, you will not get the error and can download the full result.


select, t1.col2 from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 on =

Option 2

You can use DataFrames to prevent duplicated columns. If there are no duplicated columns after the join operation, you will not get the error and can download the full result.


result_df = df.join(df1, ["id"],"left")

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