List all available tables and their source formats in Unity Catalog

Use system.information_schema.tables to display available table names and their data source formats.

Written by Jose Gonzalez

Last published at: February 22nd, 2024

You may want to get a list of all the Delta tables and non-Delta tables available in your Unity Catalog instance.

You can use these sample SQL queries to get a table names and the corresponding data source format.



Make sure you have permission to access Unity Catalog. You will not be able to view information on tables if you don't have the appropriate permission.


Make sure your cluster has permission to access Unity Catalog.

Use this sample SQL query to get a list of all the available Delta tables in your Unity Catalog.


SELECT table_name, data_source_format 
FROM system.information_schema.tables where data_source_format = "DELTA";

Use this sample SQL query to get a list of all the available tables and their source formats in your Unity Catalog.


SELECT table_name, data_source_format 
FROM system.information_schema.tables;


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