Failed to create cluster with invalid tag value

Cluster creation fails if optional tag values do not conform to cloud vendor requirements.

Written by kavya.parag

Last published at: July 27th, 2024


You are trying to create a cluster, but it is failing with an invalid tag value error message.

System.Exception: Content={"error_code":"INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE","message":"\nInvalid tag value (<<<<TAG-VALUE>>>>) - the length cannot exceed 256\nUnicode characters in UTF-8.\n "}


Limitations on tag Key and Value are set by the cloud provider.


AWS tag keys must:

  • Contain 1-127 characters
  • Contain letters, spaces, numbers, or the characters + - = . _ : / @
  • Not start with aws:
  • Not duplicate an existing key

AWS tag values must:

  • Contain 1-255 characters
  • Contain letters, spaces, numbers, or the characters + - = . _ : / @
  • Not start with aws:

For more information, please refer to the AWS tag naming limits and requirements documentation.



Azure tag keys must:

  • Contain 1-512 characters
  • Contain letters, numbers, spaces (except < > * % & : \ ? / + )
  • Not start with azure, microsoft, or windows
  • Not duplicate an existing key

Azure tag values must:

  • Contain 1-256 characters
  • Contain letters, numbers, spaces (except < > * % & : \ ? / + )
  • Not start with azure, microsoft, or windows

For more information, please refer to the Azure tag resource limitations documentation.



Google Cloud tag keys must:

  • Contain 1-63 characters
  • Contain letters, numbers, or the characters - _ .
  • Not duplicate an existing key

Google Cloud tag values must:

  • Contain 1-63 characters
  • Contain letters, numbers, or the characters - _ .

For more information, please refer to the Google Cloud requirements for labels documentation.



Databricks can not modify these limits.

Requests to update any limits on tagging must be made directly with the cloud provider support team.

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